Wheatley Shot

Wheatley Shot

So, first we have Hector Sants ‘Be scared, be very scared’ who, after an abysmal reign, was rewarded with a knighthood, widely presumed to have been his price for keeping quiet about instructions from the Treasury to go easy on the banks. Next we have Martin Wheatley...
Saudi Stock

Saudi Stock

Last month for the first time, Saudi Arabia’s stock market opened its doors to foreign investors as the kingdom seeks to diversify its economy which is currently hugely dependent on oil. The Saudi Arabian Stock Exchange or ‘Tadawul’ has gained more than 16% this year...
A Win for Justice

A Win for Justice

The Cirencester Friendly Society specialises in the provision of Income Protection Plans. In May 2007 a Mr Parkin took out one of their plans and then in August made a claim on the basis that he was too ill to work. As is normal, the Society requested a Medical...
Film Partnerships

Film Partnerships

With the government loudly committed to getting rid of ‘morally repugnant’ tax avoidance schemes, it is worth looking at film partnerships which have been the target for a lot of the righteous indignation which has been flying around. Film partnership schemes were...
Insistent Clients

Insistent Clients

There was a time when, if a client was determined to follow a course of action with which his adviser disapproved, the client would simply be asked to sign an indemnity letter confirming that he was acting against his adviser’s advice and understood the implications....